مؤسسة الإمام الخوئي الخيرية تستنكر الهجوم الإرهابي ضد الشيعة الهزارة في أفغانستان

مؤسسة الإمام الخوئي الخيرية تستنكر الهجوم الإرهابي ضد الشيعة الهزارة في أفغانستان
مؤسسة الإمام الخوئي الخيرية تستنكر الهجوم الإرهابي ضد الشيعة الهزارة في أفغانستان:
The Al-Khoei Foundation and members of the United Kingdom Shi’a Muslim Community deplore in the strongest terms the callous and cowardly terrorist attack perpetrated against the Shi’a Hazara community in Kabul, Afghanistan, on 30 September 2022, resulting in the death of more than twenty young women attending a university entrance exam.
Al-Khoei Foundation takes this opportunity to express its deepest sympathy and offer its condolences to the families of the fallen, to the Hazara community, and peace loving citizens everywhere, and they wish a speedy and full recovery to those injured.
Al-Khoei Foundation would also take this opportunity to reaffirm that terrorism in all its forms and expressions constitutes an affront on the Muslim tradition and peace-loving Muslims faithful everywhere. The targeted killing and acts of genocide against the Hazara Shi’a Muslim community cannot go unabated. We stress as we have before that the United Nations and the international community must take measures to prevent and root out the financing of terrorism, terrorist entities, and facilitators of terrorism, wherever they may be.
Our prayers and thoughts are with the Hazara community, the people of Afghanistan, the victims of these heinous terrorist attacks, and the families of the fallen and injured.